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Resipi: Puding Brownies #phopbylinimohd#batch19 yang Sedap

Delicious, fresh

Puding Brownies #phopbylinimohd#batch19. Ina's brownie pudding is the perfect dessert: cake outside, pudding inside. Pour the brownie mixture into the prepared dish and place it in a larger baking pan. Decadent and delicious, this brownie pudding is a chocolate lover's dream come true! An outer brownie shell hides molten chocolate pudding underneath. This recipe came from my Aunt Vera.

Puding Brownies #phopbylinimohd#batch19 She loved sweets, and this was one of her favorites. Brownie Pudding Recipe photo by Taste of Home. Haiii hari ini aku bikin puding brownies. Anda boleh memasak Puding Brownies #phopbylinimohd#batch19 menggunakan bahan 6 dan 6 step by step. Inilah caranya buat Puding Brownies #phopbylinimohd#batch19 yang benar .

Bahan-bahan Puding Brownies #phopbylinimohd#batch19

  1. Anda perlu 600 ml untuk Susu Fullcream.
  2. Anda perlu 100 gm untuk Gula Kastor.
  3. Anda perlu 100 gm untuk Dark Chocolate.
  4. Anda perlu 50 gm untuk Serbuk Koko.
  5. Anda perlu 2 Keping untuk Roti Gardenia.
  6. Anda perlu 1 untuk Paket Agar² Serbuk.

Ini enaaaak banget apalagi dimakan pas cuaca lagi panas" dimakan as dingin". Kalo kalian pgn tau gmn cara aku. So this Brownie Pudding…I took her recipe and changed it up a bit. Sorry Ina, but just a few changes here and there so it was more me.

Langkah-langkah Puding Brownies #phopbylinimohd#batch19

  1. Blender separuh susu dan roti..
  2. Masukkan kesemua bahan dalam periuk..
  3. Masak hingga mendidih..
  4. Tuangkan bahan ke dalam loyang..
  5. Keraskan dan masuk dalam peti sejuk. Boleh hias atas puding mengikut kreativiti anda..
  6. Jika anda mahu puding lebih tebal guna loyang yang kecil atau boleh gandakan bahan² diatas..

Stir together flour, pudding mix, baking powder, and salt. Add to creamed mixture; mix well. Reviews for: Photos of Brownie Pudding. Using a brownie mix and adding pudding mix and white chocolate chips to make rich and delicious brownies. Try these super delicious Root Beer JELL-O Pudding Brownies!